Imram journey of the spirit Meditation Prayer Beads Rosaries Chaplets
Sacred Prayer beads giving glory to our Lord in the magnificence of their beauty and love in creation. Wall Rosaries, wearable Rosaries, Traditional Rosaries, scentible lava rosaries, millefiori rosaries chaplets meditaiton prayer beads. Pray for world peace one prayer at a time. Proudly wear your cross and pray. These unique creations are heirloom rosaries original designs using precious gems metals beads and positive energy. Meditate on the life of the Prince of Peace and say the rosary as instructed by Our Lady. Pray love people love. Love acceptance and Peace let this be your mantra. Devote your self to daily prayer. If you do not know how to do this beautiful meditation or have questions I would be glad to send you an instruction card with your order. Confirmation, cursillo retreat, acts retreat, weddings, first confession, first communion, Alpha, going away gifts. Joy in the journey" the journey to the eternal invisible world imram "John O'Donohue
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